Superwoman Secrets: A Tall Woman's Guide For Everyday Encounters.
Welcome to my insightful blog post where I provide tips to taller women about how to navigate their everyday encounters with style and grace.

I could print money if I charged $1 every time someone asked me how tall I was or if I played basketball. Being a woman taller than 97% of the world's population comes with unique experiences and challenges. However, I have learned to turn that frown upside down, dodge these space invaders, and discover the remarkable beauty that comes with my towering figure. In this blog post, I will provide tips and insights to help my fellow tall women gracefully navigate those awkward situations in our social lives.
First, save your time trying to fit into social molds. Tall women carry a sexy stature that is unique and needs to be celebrated. I'm 6'7, and when asked if I like being tall, I always find myself correcting people, "Oh, I don't like being tall, I LOVE IT!"
Don't be shy! Confidence is critical when it comes to your everyday encounters with people. Embrace your tall stature, long legs, and commanding presence, and let your confidence shine. Have a little fun, but you should not think you must tickle everyone's fancy approaching you. However, I always find new ways to enjoy my day and avoid drama, so I am careful about responding or reacting to unsolicited remarks. After all, people will be people; their actions are out of your control.
Here's a simple tip to redirect how someone may approach you. Your posture and body language can significantly impact how others perceive you. Stand tall, keep your shoulders back, and maintain an open and approachable stance. Confidence and good posture will help you command the room and encourage positive interactions. When you exude self-assurance, others will take notice and treat you respectfully.
In a perfect world, we would all be treated with respect, but no matter how confident you may be, it won't prevent people from making rude remarks or asking questions about your height. Over the years, I've learned to cultivate a sense of humor instead of becoming defensive. Respond with witty or clever remarks that redirect the conversation while allowing for a friendly connection. Humor diffuses tension and makes awkward situations more comfortable. Sometimes, when I'm in a playful mood, I joke with others and tell them my choice of sport is badminton. Their responses are always classic, but one rule of thumb is never to assume.
Another option you can exercise is to connect with people through shared experiences. Finding common ground with people is a great way to redirect conversations to shared interests, hobbies, passions, and not just your height.
Let's be honest. There are some comments and questions that are ignorant or intrusive, but don't sweat it; you still possess the upper hand. Use your most uncomfortable situations as an opportunity to educate and inspire people. Rather than getting upset, respond positively by sharing interesting facts about your height and unique experiences as a tall woman. You contribute to a more inclusive society by fostering understanding and breaking stereotypes.
Our height is beautiful and capturing, so entrapping others by our presence is inevitable. It may not be realistic for every Amazon out there to be the town's friendly neighbor like Mr. Roger's, but I've discovered the alternative is not all bad. By confidently embracing your height, maintaining positive body language, educating and inspiring others, and seeking connections beyond physical attributes, you can navigate people and awkward situations with grace and poise. Remember, your height is an extraordinary part of who you are. Wear it proudly and let it shine through all your encounters.