Dating Tips For Men Interested In Taller Women
In this blog post, you will find invaluable tips I provide on dating tall women.

Are you a man who likes a little more leg with your thigh? Well, welcome to the world of dating taller women! Being a 6'7 woman, I found it a must to provide insight and tips to the men who desire taller women or want to make their lovely Amazon more comfortable in their day-to-day lives.
Many men are captivated by taller women, admiring their confidence and elegant stature. If you enjoy a leggy lady and want to learn how to date one with style and grace, this blog post is for you.
Before proceeding, please let go of any assumptions or biases you may have against taller women. If you're compatible with someone, their height should never determine your level of interest. Remember that regardless of their size, they are still women with feelings, so do as The Temptations would and "Treat Her Like A Lady!"
First things first, always remember that confidence is the name of the game when it comes to dating taller women. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact, you should be proud of your relationship with a woman who stands out from the crowd. So stand tall and own your relationship like the boss you are. To make this work, you must believe in yourself, show her that you find her height attractive, and appreciate her unique physical features.
I won't sugarcoat reality. People might stare or make comments when you're out in public. But you know what? That's their problem, not yours, and besides, it's not every day they see a walking Goddess in the flesh. In these cases, be polite but ensure her safety and peace by asking others to respect her personal space or leave the area to prevent conflict. Remember, the only thing that matters at the end of the day is that you're with the woman of your dreams.
Okay, let's get down to some basics, like comfortability. I love and appreciate when my man goes out of his way to ensure I'm comfortable whenever possible. A few suggestions for accommodating your Amazonian queen is investing in at least one mirror in the house where she can see her entire body. Honestly, I can't express enough how much I used to hate bending down in every mirror to see my face, put on makeup, or get ready for the day.
Another suggestion would be to invest in a giant bed and arrange furniture in doorways and common areas to accommodate her height. Ceiling decorations such as chandeliers, fans, or fancy light fixtures should be minimized. Furniture with higher seating positions and adjustable features should also be considered.
When traveling, consider at least a full-size vehicle. If she travels a lot by plane, like I do for my career, consider purchasing an aisle or exit seat. First class would be good if you can afford it. Taller women appreciate the little things in life, like legroom. I promise these extra efforts will not go unnoticed and will ensure she doesn't feel restricted or compromise her comfort in everyday activities.
If your stylin' stallion has a taste for fashion, encourage her to experiment with different fashion styles to maximize her clothing options. Tall women sometimes struggle to find shoes and clothing that fit well, so helping her discover brands that cater to taller women or companies that tailor clothes can significantly improve her shopping experience. It's a bonus if you show genuine interest in her fashion journey and make her feel supported.
A significant piece of advice I can offer you is maintaining a transparent line of communication. In any relationship, effective communication is the foundation for understanding and intimacy. When dating a taller woman, it becomes crucial to openly address any concerns or insecurities regarding height. Encouraging open dialogue will help foster trust and a deeper connection, ensuring both partners feel heard and understood. Remember, not all taller women experience insecurities or struggle with their height difference, but almost all tall women face societal pressure to do or be something simply because they are tall.
The last golden nugget I will leave you with is don't be shy about feeding your Amazon. I don't know about my other Amazonian sisters, but I love to eat and am not shy about it. If you're out on a date, plan a full-course meal or choose a place to get a bigger bang for your buck. Not all taller women have a big appetite like mine, but wouldn't you feel much better knowing your lady's beautiful body is full and satisfied because, just like her body, her appetite might be more significant than most?
With these dating tips in mind, taller women can feel valued, respected, and appreciated for who they are. Embrace the adventure of dating someone taller, as you will have the opportunity to build a relationship that transcends physical appearances. And fellas, I'll let you in on a little secret: real women don't mind small cars with big engines, but the real winners are the big engines with big hearts.